What do we expect of Rongotai parents?
We ask that you work in partnership with us in promoting the learning of your sons. In practical terms this means:
- Take an interest in what your son is learning.
- Encourage and assist your son with his nightly homework, and exam preparation.
- Track his progress as he works towards the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA).
- Ensure that your son is at school unless he is unwell.
- If he is unwell, notify the school promptly, by phone or email.
- Notify the school confidentially if there is a change in the personal circumstances of your son that we should know about, and that may affect his work or behaviour at school. This information could be given to the Guidance Counsellor, your son’s Dean, the Deputy Principal or Principal.
- Support the fair application of school rules – these rules exist to maintain an orderly environment in which all students can learn and be safe.
- Tell us if you think something unfair has happened at the school (but reserve judgement until you hear the full story!).
- Support your son’s co-curricular activities. Turn up and watch, and assist with any fundraising that is necessary.
The School
- Ensure that your son wears our school uniform properly and with pride, and has the correct equipment that he needs to complete his school work.
- Pay the school donation, without which the school cannot fund its educational programme, and also subject-related costs.
- Support the Parents’ Association, or assist the school in some other voluntary way, such as coaching a sports team.
What can parents expect of us?
- We will notify you promptly if there are serious or on-going problems with your son in relation to
(a) homework
(b) schoolwork
(c) behaviour
(d) health
(e) attendance - Where problems exist, we will work with you in seeking solutions. This includes personal or home-based problems. Working with parents is a significant aspect of our Guidance Counsellor’s role.
- We will issue a detailed report on your son’s progress twice a year, plus two interim reports. Additionally, we will be available to discuss your son’s progress at parent interview nights, and informally, at any convenient time.
- We will offer the best opportunities for your son in every area of school life.