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The Rongotai College Board is entrusted to work on behalf of all stakeholders and is accountable for the school’s performance. It emphasises strategic leadership, sets the vision for the school and ensures that it complies with legal and policy requirements. Enhancing student achievement is its focus.
The Board has a range of Governance Policies that outline clear delegations to the Principal, who reports to the Board as a whole.
Board meetings are held in public and open to any interested party to attend. The provisions of Part 7 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 apply. Members of the public are entitled to receive copies of the meeting agenda and relevant papers, attend the meeting to watch and listen, and take notes. However they are not entitled to take part in the meeting by word or action (unless the Board resolves to grant them speaking rights), or communicate with trustees during the meeting (unless the trustee leaves the meeting), or remain in the meeting room when the Board meeting goes ‘in committee’. The Board chair presides at the meeting and his/her decision on procedural matters is final.
Meetings 2024
Board Meetings are generally held on the last Thursday of Each month, except if interrupted by school holidays.
- Monday 26 February
- Thursday 21 March
- Thursday 30 May
- Monday 24 June
- Thursday 8 August
- Thursday 26 September
- Thursday 31 October
- Thursday 28 November
Parents are welcome to attend at 6pm.
If you wish to contact the Board of Trustees please email [email protected]
Postal address:
Board Secretary
Rongotai College Board o
P O Box 14-063
Wellington 6241
Email: [email protected]