Rongotai College is a state secondary school for boys from Years 9 to 13

Ko te Moana Raukawa ki te Tonga
Cook Strait to the south
Ko te Motukairangi ki te Rawhiti
Miramar to the east
Ki te Uru, ko Whataitai taniwha
To the west, Whataitai
Ko te Whanganui-a-Tara ki te Raki
Wellington to the north
Kei waenganui ko te Kura Taitama o Rongotai
Rongotai in the middle

Ko tangi te Keo te Whare
Tangi te Keo the wharenui
E tu ake nei, e tu ake nei, tu tonu mai nei
That stands, continues to stand
“Ka kapohia te matauranga, me hoatu ra”
"Receive the light and pass it on"
te pepeha
is the motto
Rongotai College is a state secondary school for boys from Years 9 to 13

Rongotai College is a state secondary school for boys from Years 9 to 13. It is located on an expansive 9.7ha site in the eastern suburbs of Wellington, on the isthmus between Lyall Bay and Evans Bay, hence the name Rongotai (Sound of the Sea).

Established in 1928, Rongotai College is a modern school with a rich past and traditions, currently meeting the all-round educational needs of approximately 720 boys. The college has continued to build on its history of success in all areas – academic, drama, music and sport. The school has excellent cultural amenities and sports facilities designed to enhance outcomes across all areas of school life.

The school’s curriculum is based on the New Zealand Curriculum document. We deliver a broad range of courses and subjects that meet the personal educational pathways of all students, including those in our Tamatoa Learning Support Unit. Students undertake the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) qualifications, and New2 Zealand Scholarship.

Rongotai College provides a well-resourced, positive school environment. Our focus is on enhancing teaching practice, and ensuring our curriculum is knowledge-rich, authentic and flexible. Technology is used to support learning and develop skills needed now and in the future. As a result, a sustained period of improvement has led to Rongotai College students performing significantly above national and comparative averages at NCEA Level 1-3, in University Entrance and in Literacy and Numeracy.

Our well-qualified staff makes a commitment to academic excellence, as well as to extra-curricular activities. Their input in the areas of art, drama, music, outdoor education, and sport is a real strength of the school and a genuine point of difference. Boys who attend Rongotai College have a strong sense of attachment to the school; they are proud members of the wider school community, and experience success in a variety of settings.

The school reflects and values the diversity of its community and aims to develop cross-cultural understanding across the student body.  Our school is inclusive, so every student can find their place. Our teachers build positive and affirming relationships with students, along with having high expectations for them in every aspect of their learning and character. 

Staff, students and old boys are rightly proud of their school, its successes, its attractive environment, its supportive culture and its high expectations.